When Is The Best Time To Install And Take Down Your Christmas Lights

Just like hearing carols blaring out from speakers all over your neighborhood, seeing a Christmas lights installation is a staple you can’t imagine not seeing whenever the holiday season arrives. While some put up their Christmas light installation as early as September, there are those buzzer-beaters who install theirs a few days before the 25th.

In this article, you’ll find out when is the best tie to install — and take down — those magical holiday lights.

When Can Christmas Lights Be Put Up

Majority of the companies that offer Christmas lights installation services claim that many of their projects are being done in the first two weeks of November — or when the weather is fairly good and sunny. This weather condition allows them to safely and conveniently put up holiday lights, especially if these are to be installed outdoors.

If you want to avoid this “peak season,” you can choose to display your lights as early as October (or September as mentioned above).

While November is when Christmas light installation companies accept bulk of their requests, you can get an estimate for your holiday lights as soon as you’ve settled down with a theme, design, and budget. The earlier you’ll get quotations from your prospective suppliers and installers, the more you can focus on other holiday-related matters like preparing presents and greeting cards.

When Can Christmas Lights Be Taken Down

Now, as for the best time to take down your lights. It actually depends on you. Whether you want to have it taken down a few days after December 25 or January 1 or you want it to stay there for a few more weeks after these dates — it’s all up to you. Just take note that you have to communicate this with your Christmas lights installation company.

To help you decide on this one, here are some factors you should take into account:

The energy bills. Depending on which kind of holiday lights you’ve installed (and how many), your energy bill can significantly or insignificantly increase. As a general rule, LED lights are more energy-friendly compared with their incandescent counterparts. They can also last longer and can produce brighter lights and lesser heat (which means they are the safer choice). You should ask holiday lights experts the estimated addition to your energy bills so you can have an idea if you can prolong the presence of your Christmas light setup in your home.

Your neighbors. Though you might not think of it at first, your neighbors are actually a collective factor you need to consider if you have an outdoor holiday lights installation (especially if your setup is an elaborate one). Be mindful of their temperament: Though seeing twinkling holiday lights during Christmas time is wonderful, it might not be the case for some once the holiday season ends.

Upcoming holidays or events. Valentine’s Day (February 14) is the nearest holiday to January 1. If you want to make this day extra romantic, you might want to wait until this date before you take down your Christmas lights.


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