7 Tips On How To Choose The Best Door Lock For Your Home

A home that doesn’t have the right locks makes for an easy target for burglars and intruders. The same can be said for homes that don’t invest in a good number of locks for protection. Ask any locksmith Westminster MD and they will agree that locks are the first deterrent for breaking and entering.

When choosing locks for your home, keep in mind that the more complicated it is to break through a lock, the better. Here are some other tips to help you choose the best locks for additional home security:

1 – Knobs And Levers Aren’t Enough

Most homes come equip with the basic locks that are found on doorknobs and levers. These require keys to enter the home, but these do not provide enough security. They are easily picked, which means an additional lock is needed.

2 – Deadbolts Are A Must

Even if the doors in the house already have the lever or knob for locks, it is a must to install a deadbolt for additional security. These are harder to break and will make intruders hesitant to break through the doors.

3 – Consider Door Function

Each door in your house has a different function, which means they also require a different level of security. An interior door, for example, doesn’t need the same level of security as the front door. Bedrooms and bathrooms are places where people are most vulnerable, a mid-level lock is more appropriate.

4 – Lock Endurance

Think about how often the locks will be used and find one that will meet the demands. Locks on the front and back door should be more durable and stand the test of frequent use without degrading too soon. However, interior door locks can be a lower grade if they aren’t used as much.

5 – Aesthetics

Of course, it is a must to consider how the locks look from the outside. The size and shape of the additional locks can affect how the door looks which may be a faux pas.

6 – Spring For Better Lock Grades

Locks are labeled from Grade 1, 2, and 3 with 1 being the most secure and sturdy. If needing to choose which lock to spend more on, invest in a Grade 1 deadbolt as this is one of the most secure choices in the market.

7 – Replace Locks When Damaged

As soon as the locks show extreme wear and tear, call the friendly locksmith Westminster MD and get them replaced. If possible, upgrade the locks to those that provide a higher level of security. A broken lock is just as dangerous and not having a lock at all.

High-Quality Locks Are An Investment

The right combination of door locks in a home can mean the difference between life and death. Never go cheap on locks even if you are living in a well to do neighborhood. It is always better to replace a lock that was broken than to replace your belongings once they have been stolen.

Westminster Fire Extinguisher Services, aside from offering fire suppression systems and other fire protection related products, also offer a complete line of locksmith Westminster MD services. Contact us to get you out of a tight situation!

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